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WikiRebels – The Documentary

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Russia e cu WikiLeaks

Russia has suggested that Julian Assange should be awarded the Nobel peace prize, in an unexpected show of support from Moscow for the jailed WikiLeaks founder

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Din nou despre WikiLeaks si Julian Assange

Dupa cum era de asteptat, domeniul a fost retras in cursul zilei de azi astfel multi care accesau site-ul de pe acea adresa au ramas in aer.

Noua adresa e pentru ca si-au mutat lucrurile in Elvetia.

Si gazduirea le-a fost retrasa de pe serverele Amazon astfel se poate observa din avion cata presiune pun oficialii americani pe companiile care gazduiau serverele celor de la WikiLeaks.

“US companies have also come under intense political pressure to remove any connection to, or support for, WikiLeaks. Amazon ended its hosting of the cables on its EC2 cloud computer service earlier this week, but last night insisted in a blogpost that its decision was not due to pressure from Senator Joe Lieberman, who has called for the removal of the data – and who has influenced at least one other US company to withdraw support for WikiLeaks data.”

Un interviu realizat azi, puteti citi pe

Internet Life Wiki

WikiLeaks Cablegate – din Romania

Pentru cei care nu stiu ce e WikiLeaks, va rog sa vizitati WikiPedia. Cei care nu stiu ce e WikiPedia, pot sa dea shut down la calculator de pe acum.

Dupa jurnalele de razboi din Irak si Afganistan, si alte documente sensibile, pe 27 Noiembrie 2010 au aparut Documente din Corpul Diplomatic din USA. Unele sunt SECRETE altele sunt nesecrete. S-au anuntat a fi 251,287 de documente iar ele vor fi publicate pe rand iar pana acum au fost publicate 528 de mesaje.

Din curiozitate am cautat si am gasit un document trimis de la ambasada din Bucuresti, si are legatura cu adoptiile copiilor din Romania de catre persoane din afara Romaniei.

Documentul este nu este SECRET dar este CONFIDENTIAL.

Comentariul este foarte interesant:

¶3. (C) Comment: The Working Group had been expected to issue its report by the end of March, and Bertzi had announced publicly in December 2005 that none of the cases would be approved for inter-country adoption. However, the utterly non-transparent process of the Working Group and the opaque quality of the report suggest some of the children may in fact remain in non-permanent situations in which their welfare is not being adequately protected. Post believes we should ontinue to press the GOR to open up the Working Group,s "conclusions" for a transparent, objective international review and to establish a legal framework that would llow inter-country adoption for appropriate pending cases. We will provide Department with our updated recommendations soon. End comment.


GOR = Government of Romania

Nu stiu daca ati sesizat formularea “we should continue to press the GOR”.

Ar fi interesant de stiut in ce alte domenii mai preseaza americanii astia Guvernul si care-s rezultatele.

Intregul document il gasiti AICI.

Un alt document de data aceasta SECRET a fost trimis de la ambasada din CHISINAU, mai multe detalii puteti gasi AICI (mentiune: eu n-am reusit sa gasesc acest document pe WL, singurul document publicat care ar fi fost transmis de la CHISINAU este ACESTA, dar se pare ca acolo e vorba de MONGOLIA si cred ca e o erata a site-ului)

De AICI cititi “Among the revelations” 🙂

P.S. O fi o coincidenta sau nu, dar fondatorul WikiLeaks – Julian Assange are emis un mandat de arestare in Suedia si e dat in urmarire generala prin Interpol.

“Every organisation rests upon a mountain of secrets” Julian Assange